It can be daunting when your child starts primary school and it’s all new and unknown. Over time you learn how to adapt and figure out your own shortcuts to make it easier – both practically and emotionally. In this post, I’m sharing all of the blog posts I have written about my child at school over the years so that hopefully you will find something that you either identify with or that helps you out practically with helpful tips.
My child at school – all my best posts about having a kid in primary school
Before your child starts school
What it’s really like having a child in primary school in England
Have you ever wondered what primary school is really like? In this post, I tell all about what it’s really like having a child in primary school.

Top 10 tips for parents with a kid about to start primary school
Having a child about to start primary school can be daunting and it seems no one bothers to tell you what you need to do or how best to prepare practically. When my eldest finished his first year of reception class I wrote these 10 tips for parents with a child about to start primary school in case any of you are as clueless as I was.

Primary school places rant
in this post ‘primary school places rant‘ I talk about our first experience of the primary schools admission process and how it felt not to get our first choice school.

My eldest is starting school and I don’t like it
This post is all about how I felt when my eldest child was starting school and my anxieties around it. I’m sure lots of parents with their first kid starting school soon will identify with this. My eldest is starting school and I don’t like it…

Getting organised for my child at school
One of the best pieces of advice I can give you for having kids is get as organised as possible. We have done this in a few ways.
Creating an after school wind down area with IKEA (AD)
This post is about how we created an after school wind down area with IKEA products.

Getting organised for back to school with an IKEA hallway makeover (AD)
This post contains some really cool items from IKEA that you can use in your hallway to make school mornings easier – and lord knows we all need that! Getting organised for back to school with an IKEA hallway makeover…

AD: Taking back control of mornings for only £51.75 with IKEA organisation hacks
In this sponsored post I show you how you can take back control of mornings for only £51.75 with IKEA organisation hacks.

Once your child is at primary school
The transition to having both my kids in primary school
I wrote this post a few weeks after my second child started primary school. Having already gone through this with my eldest I wasn’t as anxious about it as I was for him but because I had already been through it previously, I also knew what to expect. I knew it was going to be the end of an era, the end of the baby days in our house. This is how I found the transition to having both my kids in primary school.

My youngest starts primary school soon and I have all the feels…
I wrote this post when my youngest child was starting primary school and I felt emotional about it.

My child at school – when your child isn’t excelling…
I wrote this post when I had my first parents meeting at school and found out that my son was struggling academically. When your kid isn’t excelling at school…

21 ideas for end of year gifts for teachers
If you are anything like me, you leave stuff like end of year gifts for teachers to the last-minute. It’s not long until school breaks for summer and I’m only just thinking about what I should do for gifts for teachers. If I’m entirely honest, I question whether getting gifts for teachers is something I even think I should do. There is enough pressure on parents as it is these days, without adding presents for teachers to it. However, it is becoming the ‘done thing’ so I asked some of my fellow bloggers for their best ideas for end of the year gifts for teachers. In this post I tell you their 21 ideas for end of year gifts for teachers.

10 things I hate about the school run
This is one of my most viewed posts ever – an expletive-ridden rant I made about the 10 things I hate about the school run.

Other mothers at the school gates
This is one of my most popular posts, an ode to the other mothers at the school gates and why I judge them but it’s not what you think…

Why I’m not totally against the banning of skirts for school…
In this post, I talk about why I’m not totally against the banning of skirts for school…

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