Over the years I have written a fair few posts about pregnancy and birth. From really personal posts like my HBAC birth story to general guides like how to prepare for breastfeeding WHILST you are pregnant. This guide brings all of those posts together in one place so if you are on your pregnancy and childbirth journey, you will hopefully find something in my guide to pregnancy and childbirth that will help you…
Thinking about having kids?
First up is a post for women who haven’t decided when to have kids yet but know they want them at some point in the future – this post is all about my three pieces of advice for women who are planning on having kids in the future based on what I wish I had known or done before starting my journey to have kids…
When pregnant
Next up in my guide to pregnancy and childbirth is my advice for women who are newly pregnant. My top ten tips for preparing for labour and childbirth will help you to have the best labour and birthing experience possible. I think one of the biggest myths is that you can’t prepare for childbirth. There is lots you can do to improve your experience and I explain what in this post…
Have you considered plancenta pills? Read my post on Placenta encapsulation – an honest experience.
One of my tips to prepare for a great labour included hiring a doula. This post tells you how hiring a doula helped me to get my home birth after c section.
Another great myth is that you can’t prepare for breastfeeding until the baby is here. But there is lots you can do whilst you are pregnant. This post contains 5 tips to prepare for breastfeeding success while pregnant.
Birth stories and birth trauma
One of my most personal posts, my birth story for my eldest child. Trigger warning, this isn’t a very positive birth story so maybe avoid if pregnant or yet to have children. My emergency c section birth story.
The next blog post is all about the birth trauma I experienced as a result of the birth above and crucially how I helped come to terms with it. How I overcame my birth trauma...
Now this one is a positive birth story. The birth story of my home birth after a c section. My HBAC birth story.
Post natal
The next post in my guide to pregnancy and childbirth is about something I think EVERY woman should do after giving birth for their long term postnatal health which is to go and see a pelvic floor physio. This post is my MUMMY MOT review…
In addition to seeing a pelvic floor physio in real life there are some fantastic online courses that can help you. I recently reviewed an online course that you can do for pelvic floor dysfunction rehabilitation that I would recommend to anyone who has had a baby.
And finally a post for women who are starting to think about having a second child – why I found going from 1 child to 2 easier than going from 0 to 1.
If you liked this post you might also like:
- My ultimate guide to breastfeeding with all of the breastfeeding posts I wrote over the 7 years I breastfed my 2 children
- My ultimate guide to kids sleep that I wrote after many many years of having kids that didn’t sleep through the night
- And 4moms rockaRoo review – with video
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